Posts filed under: PERSONAL GROWTH

Emotionally safe people build trust in relationships. Safe people are committed to their own personal growth, dealing with their unhealed wounds, meeting their unmet needs, and partnering with Jesus to become more like Him with each passing day.

Safe people build trust. Unsafe people break trust. 

At one point or another, we’ve all been an unsafe person, or we’ve developed some emotionally unsafe habits that need to be broken. Keep in mind that the only control we have is over ourselves. We must allow God to work in our lives and trust Him to work in the lives of others. Striving to be the best version of ourselves is life-long work. 

No one can fix what they don’t know is broken. Are you an emotionally safe person? 

Emotionally Safe People…

Offer empathy and validate emotions.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see a situation from their perspective. Empathy doesn’t require that we agree with how someone thinks or feels. It just means that we can understand their feelings because we have experienced the same or similar feelings at one time or another. 

Validating emotions is the act of seeking to understand how another person feels without dismissing, judging, or trying to talk someone out of their emotional response. Neither require that both people agree with how someone thinks or feels, but healthy people can acknowledge someone’s perspective and feelings without feeling threatened by them. 

Jesus empathizes with us – Hebrews 4:15 says Jesus understands every weakness of ours, because he was tempted in every way that we are. But he did not sin!

Safe People do not judge, pressure, or manipulate.

Emotionally safe people don’t judge others because they know they are just as flawed as the next person. Judging another person comes from a place of feeling inferior, insecure, and not good enough. We tend to judge people in the areas of our lives that we feel the most insecure about. 

Pressuring or pushing people is the act of trying to get another person to do what you want. Those that pressure others tend to not accept when someone says “no” or sets a boundary. People that use pressure to get someone to do what they want are unsafe and often create anxiety, resentment, and disconnection. 

Manipulation is another tactic used by emotionally unsafe people to get what they want. Often this is done through instilling fear, outbursts of anger, invoking pity, playing on someone’s weaknesses, using appropriate or inappropriate guilt to coerce, or using things shared as a weapon when it’s convenient. 

See that no one leads you astray. – Matthew 24:4

Ask questions to further understanding.

unsafe people view hard conversations as adversarial

Safe people ask questions rather than make assumptions because they know that assumptions are falsehoods— wrong ideas. Assumptions are the lowest level of communication and are often the devil’s playground because they tend to cause hurt and conflict. Asking questions and seeking clarity ensures that we are communicating at the highest level. Safe people make decisions based on the facts they have in the moment and are not afraid to ask questions.  

Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. – Ephesians 4:25

Safe people speak the truth in love.

Mature people tell the truth with love. This isn’t the same as sugar-coating something or beating around the bush. It’s the ability to express feelings, needs, hurts, or frustrations in a way that doesn’t crush another person. 

Safe people are honest with themselves and others and consider their words carefully. They confront issues with a mindset of resolving or repairing. It’s not about being “nice” – nice often spares the truth (dishonest). It’s about being kind – kindness is considerate and polite, but honest. Healthy individuals are assertive and kind in their communication.

…speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ. – Ephesians 4:15

Have difficult conversations without name-calling, insulting, or dismissing.

Conflict is part of every relationship. Safe people do not attack another person’s character, name-call, throw insults, or dismiss someone’s concerns or feelings. 1 Corinthians 13:11 says When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. Calling someone names or insulting them is childlike immaturity. 

Unsafe people view hard conversations as adversarial, but safe people understand that hard conversations lead to deeper connections and welcome the chance to grow.

Safe People take responsibility for their own emotions/problems.

Emotionally safe people know their healing is their responsibility and don’t expect others to tip-toe around their unhealed wounds or the things that trigger them. Part of our personal and spiritual growth is accepting that life isn’t fair, and the wounds inflicted on us are ours to work through. 

Safe people don’t put their emotions or problems in the hands of others. Additionally, they don’t expect a spouse, child, parent, or friend to heal a wound they did or didn’t create. Emotionally safe individuals take personal responsibility for their emotions and their problems. They know that someone cannot make them feel any certain way without their permission and that their problems are their own to solve. They don’t blame a difficult childhood on their present-day anger issues. 

For each one will bear his own load. – Galatians 6:5

Do not try to “fix” people or give help that isn’t asked for.

Part of being an emotionally healthy adult is knowing that fixing people is above our paygrade. People in partnership with God work on themselves – this is part of personal responsibility. Unsafe people push others away by trying to force their “fix” on people without recognizing their own shortcomings. 

Safe people don’t push advice or help on those that don’t ask for it, and they expect the same of others. Asking for help and seeking wise counsel are the actions of emotionally intelligent and healthy individuals. Safe people know that listening with empathy and providing emotional validation is the proper response to a friend. And then, if invited, give advice, or provide help. 

And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye. — Matthew 7:3-5 

no one can become someone's everything -- and healthy people don't want that job

Are not overly needy or clingy.

Needy or clingy people latch on to others without regard for personal space, autonomy, or boundaries. Those who struggle with separating themselves from others and being their own person are unsafe. No one can be someone’s everything – and healthy people don’t want that job. 

Safe people know that personal autonomy (self-sufficiency) and boundaries are what makes relationships work. In addition, there is a mutual respect for what each person brings to the relationship, and no one is expected to be the other persons sole source of friendship or human connection. Safe people know that personal space and alone time is necessary for everyone. 

Do you like honey? Don’t eat too much of it, or it will make you sick! Don’t visit your neighbor too often, or you will outwear your welcome! – Proverbs 25:16-17

Respect boundaries.

Boundaries are the decided upon actions that we take when faced with other people’s behavior. When someone speaks harshly to us and calls us names, boundaries are what we fall back on to walk away and preserve our emotional health. Unsafe people tend to disrespect boundaries by acting in ways that are unacceptable or harmful even though we’ve addressed the behavior and consequences ahead of time. 

Safe people set boundaries and when necessary, enact consequences. And because they have boundaries, they expect others to have boundaries. Regardless of whether a boundary is liked or disliked, safe people respect the boundaries of others and in turn, expect the same respect from others regarding their own boundaries. 

God set boundaries in the Garden of Eden when He told Adam to not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Violating God’s boundary was spiritual death. 

God commanded the Man, “You can eat from any tree in the garden, except from the Tree-of-Knowledge-of-Good-and-Evil. Don’t eat from it. The moment you eat from that tree, you’re dead. – Genesis 2:17-18

Demonstrate God’s love.

Forgiving others, giving grace, displaying empathy, listening instead of fixing, and speaking words of encouragement are just a few ways that safe people demonstrate God’s love. Safe people know they are saved by grace, and they need a Savior. There is no need to wear a mask to be loveable because God loves them right now, as-is. And because He does, they strive to reflect that love to others. 

Safe people know when they’ve got some personal work to do. 

Don’t waste time condemning yourself. Get busy doing better. We are all a work-in-progress until the day God calls us home. If after reading this post, you’ve identified some unsafe people in your life, consider what boundaries you need to set and pray about conversations that need to happen. 

Melissa Lloyd, life coach

1:1 Coaching is available if you need help and encouragement.

This was a big year for my little book, and I couldn’t be more in awe of what God did in the lives of those who went through Unravel

As most people do at the end of every year, I’ve been reflecting on everything that God has done in and around me and counting my blessings, giving painful thanks for the hard stuff that helped me grow, and looking for God’s fingerprints on all 365 days of 2022. 

Forty-five women completed Unravel via a group this year! Hundreds bought the book and started their own Unravel journey. Friends, co-workers, and family members found out about Unravel from someone who experienced a profound life change from their unraveling

Lives were forever changed this year. 
Hearts were healed the year. 
Friendships were formed this year.
Burdens were left at the foot of the cross this year. 
Generational trauma was broken this year. 
Confidence was gained this year.
Boundaries were set this year.
Lies were trampled this year.
Truth was implanted this year. 
Relationships were restored this year.
Love, joy, and peace were found this year. 
Faulty ways of coping were replaced this year. 
New life-tools were learned this year. 
Laughter displaced tears this year. 
Suffering transformed into painful thanks this year. 
Purpose was pursued this year. 
Forgiveness was given and received this year.
God moved in the lives of His Chosen this year. 

One woman wrote this: 

I stumbled upon this book during a low time in my life about 5 months ago. During my time participating in the study and completing assigned homework I have noticed a huge shift in myself. 5 months ago, I was broken, insecure, and lost in my life and had no clue where my relationship with Christ stood. Presently, I am self-aware and have a positive outlook on my present and future. I owe my growth to this book and Melissa for taking the time to pour into me weekly during study group. I will forever be thankful and spread the word to purchase this book and participate in study group! ❤️

Unravel Participant

As I look back over 2022, I am so grateful for the women I’ve gotten to work with this year and for the beautiful friendships that God has blessed me with through those groups. Besides Texas, ladies from California, Florida, New York, and New Jersey participated in the first online Unravel group – who doesn’t like meeting people from other parts of the U.S.? 

This year has also brought additional blessings…

As I look ahead to 2023…

  • I look forward to the launch of in-person and online Unravel groups in January.
  • The reach of Unravel will be expanding into new places and corners of this world in the coming year. I look forward to sharing all about that in the coming months! God is moving!! 
  • For those in the San Antonio, Texas area, there will be bi-monthly Saturday Unravel sessions at Alamo Community Church to learn, grow, and connect with fellow Unravel Alumni. 

If you are ready to Unravel your unhealed wounds and find joy, in-person and online Unravel groups start the week of January 16th. Invite a friend, a co-worker, or a family member to join a group!  Click the link to sign up –> Unravel Group Sign Up

The groups are free. All I ask is that you do the work and come to group regularly. 

If you or someone you know wants to begin working one-on-one with me,  I have openings for in-person and online 1:1 coaching.

It may not be your fault that you are stuck in life, but it is 100% your responsibility to get un-stuck.

Don’t let another day, week, or year go by surviving or simply existing. You were made for so much more and yes, you can change.

You can change your mindset, your life, and your circumstances for the better. The 45 women who went through Unravel in 2022 can testify that you can heal, thrive, and find your joy again.

Lastly, as I dream for 2023… 

I pray for men’s and women’s Unravel groups to pop up in churches, prisons, living rooms, and coffee shops all over the world and that lives would be profoundly changed for generations to come. Dream big, right? 

Here’s the thing about Unravel groups…

  • You don’t need to be a coach or a counselor to lead an Unravel group… 
  • Your life doesn’t need to be perfect… 
  • You don’t have to have it all together all the time or have the answers to life’s problems… 
  • You just need to be able to love, encourage, and listen to others… that’s it

If you want to start a group or you’d like for your church or organization to start an Unravel group, contact me at or go to Start an Unravel Program.

Giving Thanks…

As I close, I want to say “thank you” to Kevin Flowers, Lead Pastor of Alamo Community Church and his incredible staff. Thank you for taking a chance on an unknown book and allowing me to serve the people of your church. If I’ve learned anything this year, it’s that no one has to do anything – so your willingness to open your door, respond to my messages, provide resources, and trust me with your flock is a gift. Your friendship and support are a blessing, and I am forever grateful. 

I will end this message with a quote I love from Craig Groeschel: We confess to God for forgiveness, we confess to people for healing. So true, right? Confessing to God and others is at the heart of healing. We need both. James 5:16 says Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.

Join an Unravel group or buy Unravel and commit to working through the book with a couple of trusted friends to confess what’s on your heart and talk about what’s holding you back and stealing your joy.

I pray that 2023 is a year of personal growth, freedom from what weighs you down, and a deeper relationship with the Father who loves you so very much. 

It’s easy to take the actions of others personally, but doing so is based on half truths, unhealed wounds, unmet expectations, and what another person believes about themselves based on their own story. The way we treat others, love others, show up for others, and think about others is based on what is going on within ourselves. The same is true for others.

Is this selfish? Yes. But it is true. The people in our story that treated us poorly, did so because of a war within themselves – you and I were just collateral damage. This doesn’t get them off the hook, but it does reflect the truth that their poor behavior does not make us unworthy of the love or help they should have given to us.

So What Do We Do?

It’s time to give people back the pain they caused and reclaim the truth of our worthiness of love, kindness, and human connection. It is important to stop asking or expecting these same people to show up in our stories in ways that run contrary to their past actions. This doesn’t make them bad people – it’s simply understanding and accepting where someone is in their journey at any given moment.

Knowing who to ask for help, love, and healthy connection is learning how to interact in a fallen world. We need to live by this principle: When people show you who they are, believe them the first time – Maya Angelou. Often we allow ourselves to be disappointed by a situation or a person repeatedly until we finally accept what has been shown to us over and over again. Unfortunately, our refusal to see what is right in front of us leaves us with an emotional mess to clean up. Proverbs 13:20 says, Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

Recognizing our part in our own suffering is the pathway to healing.

The Bible tells us A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends (Proverbs 16:28). The next time you are in need of someone to share your heart with, someone to give you God-honoring advice, or someone to meet a need in your life – carefully consider who you ask and their track record in your life.

Here are 10 questions to consider before you share your heart with someone:

  • Has this person been a good listener in the past or do they listen to fix?
  • Has this person kept your conversations confidential?
  • Has this person been reliable and dependable in your life?
  • Has this person pointed you towards Jesus and/or the Bible?
  • Has this person encouraged you or have they minimized your feelings?
  • Has this person displayed empathy in the past?
  • Has this person modeled in their own life the advice they give to others?
  • Has this person been honest with you?
  • Has this person built you up or tore you down for the way you think or feel?
  • Has this person broken your trust in the past?

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin…(Proverbs 18:24). Surrounding ourselves and asking the right people for what we need is one of the keys to living in peace and finding joy in our lives. God will place people in our lives to act as helpers and, in turn, we are placed in people’s lives to be their helpers.

God’s Truth

It’s easy to allow our hearts to be saturated with the harsh words or hurtful actions of others causing us to question our value. Let me leave you with this nugget of truth: Your value doesn’t change just because someone fails to see it or respond to it. Your value was decided before the formation of the world and solidified on a cross long before you were ever born. You were worthy yesterday, you are worthy today, and you will be just as worthy tomorrow.

As adults, the damage caused by others is for us to work through – healing is 100% our responsibility. If you have hurts, habits, and hang-ups that need the healing hand of Jesus, join the growing group of men and women who are working through Unravel to work their pain, discover who they are, and live life abundantly. Unravel can be purchased on Amazon.

Have you ever felt like you should be doing something for God, but you didn’t know what it was? And the more you thought about it, the more you worried about doing what God wanted you to do, to the point that your overthinking led to feeling stuck. You want to serve God, but you aren’t sure what He wants you to do. You want to be obedient, but you fear making a mistake. You want to live a life of purpose and meaning, but you aren’t sure what that is.

More than anything, you desire a life of meaning, but you are afraid that you will somehow stumble onto the wrong path and end up lost. You want to hear from God, but you second-guess every thought that trots through your mind. If so, we can be friends because I’ve been in this place more than a few times. In fact, I’ve given this condition a name: purpose paralysis

Purpose paralysis is Satan’s handiwork.

Confusion is one of the weapons in his arsenal. When we get confused, we overthink, and then we tend to get stuck. And when we are stuck, we tend to do nothing – paralysis. Satan’s favorite Christian is a paralyzed one that doesn’t move because that Christian is ineffective.   

What I’ve come to realize is that this condition has a simple solution – and here it is: MOVE. The Israelites learned this lesson as they were leaving Egypt with Moses. With the Egyptians behind them and the Red Sea in front of them, the Israelites had to decide what they were going to do. God told Moses to high tail it to the Red Sea, raise his staff, and wait for Him to take care of the path ahead of them. Even with all that God had done to free them, the Israelites got stuck in their fear and overthinking. When Moses sees this, he prays to God. Do you remember what God said? He simply said, MOVE

Moving is our answer to finding our purpose too.

The purpose of every Christian is to tell people about Jesus and love our neighbor. If nothing else, acting on that purpose is always right. You and I have a more specific purpose that God has hidden away in our hearts, but until that purpose is revealed, you cannot go wrong with finding ways to love your neighbor and sharing the gospel. In fact, those two things may be your only purpose for the season you find yourself in right now. 

As we grow in our faith, our purpose can evolve or change completely and it’s our job to go with God’s flow. Recently, God reminded me that our lives are made up of many seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8) and letting go of one season is the only way to usher in the next season and its assignment. This can be scary because old seasons are familiar and new seasons are unknown, but our surrender to Christ depends on our obedience to move when God says to move – even if we don’t know what we are moving into. 

So, how can we serve God in the seasons where our unique purpose isn’t clear, or we are transitioning from one season to the next? The bible tells us that we have a responsibility to care for the poor (Proverbs 21:13), the oppressed (Psalm 82:3-4), the fatherless (Psalm 82:3-4), the orphans (Psalm 82:3-4), widows (James 1:27), and our brothers and sisters in Christ (Galatians 6:10). That leaves a lot of room to serve! 

The size of the service is irrelevant to God, as is (Luke 16:10), the action being seen or acknowledged by another person (Matthew 6:3). Movement is what matters

20 Ideas to Live with Purpose and Serve People:

  • Take a meal to someone going through a difficult time 
  • Get together with 2 or 3 people and do a Bible study together 
  • Organize a service project at your church or with other believers 
  • Partner with an organization that provides for children
  • Serve at a soup kitchen
  • Smile at people, hold the door open, be friendly to strangers
  • Include the new person at work, school, church, etc. in lunch or something else 
  • Organize a Saturday women’s or men’s event centered around spiritual or personal growth 
  • Volunteer at a senior center and chat with an elderly person that needs a conversation 
  • Work with a homeless shelter to collect necessities 
  • Start a blog and write about what’s on your heart to help others
  • Get together with a group of men or women and do a book study 
  • Be a social media encourager and share Jesus
  • Volunteer for nursery duty, kids’ ministry, or the youth ministry at your church
  • Hang out with a kid that doesn’t have a dad in his life 
  • Bring groceries or gift cards to a family in need 
  • Mow the lawn of an elderly neighbor
  • If you are handy, volunteer to fix things around the house for a single mom 
  • Take someone out for lunch and show genuine interest in their life
  • Pray for people


Matthew 25:40 reminds us, “And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Whatever is broad and leaves us a lot of room to serve others. So, don’t overthink. You and I can’t mess this up. Be awake and aware throughout the day for opportunities to serve or love on people. 

If you have ideas of ways to serve and love on people, please share them! Leave a comment below, on Facebook, or Instagram. I’d love to hear from you!

P.S. Are you ready to deal with the pain of the past and grow into the disciple God created you to be? Check out my new book Unravel and get started today.