Unravel by Melissa Lloyd


Make Peace with Your Past,
Learn to See Yourself as God Does,
& Create a Life of Purpose

About Unravel

Do any of these sound familiar?


  • say “yes” when you want to say “no”
  • avoid conflict to keep the peace or preserve a relationship
  • feel guilty saying “no”
  • struggle with setting and/or upholding boundaries
  • chronically feel anxious, stressed, angry, and/or guilty
  • feel like you are rarely good enough
  • fear rejection and abandonment
  • stuff your emotions and fake fine
  • were you abused/neglected as a child or are experiencing abuse now
  • can’t forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made
  • can’t forgive other people for what they’ve done to you

Emotions are like the warning lights on your car’s dashboard telling you that the engine needs attention. Your emotional dashboard lights up to let you know that you heart and mind need service. If you are anything like Melissa, your emotional dashboard has been displaying warning lights for months and years causing mental, emotional, and spiritual damage. Anger, guilt, pride, shame, and fear are not meant to define you – they are meant to refine you.

Melissa has struggled with all these difficult emotions and is a recovering emotional stuffer. She understands how hard it is to carry the disappointments of life. Her dysfunctional childhood, an unwanted divorce, and a second marriage struggling to survive brought her to a crossroads in life. There, she sought God and went on a journey to discover healing and wholeness that profoundly changed her life, her marriage, and her family.

With compassion, coaching, and God’s Word, Melissa will help you:

  • Learn how to forgive people who aren’t sorry and don’t want to change
  • Work through painful memories so you can move on
  • Discover how your faulty coping mechanisms are sabotaging you
  • Identify thought patterns that lead to negativity, anxiety, or depression
  • Develop new strategies to cope with stress, anxiety, and anger
  • Gain the confidence and skills to set and uphold boundaries
  • Release the emotional and mental damage of abuse
  • Make things right with the people you’ve hurt
  • Grow in your relationship with God and allow Him to heal your heart, soul, and mind

Praise for Unravel

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